Nick's Tech Blog

I'm a software developer, and these are my thoughts.

Personal Projects

These are some of the hobby projects that I've worked on in my free time, you can check out all of my open source projects from my github profile.


Cubed is a small tech-demo for Voxel-based rendering utilizing the jMonkeyEngine platform. I built it to learn the differences between greedy and naive meshing, and how to handle face-merging techniques with textures. Cubed utilizes my Java port of libnoise to show off basic pseudo-random terrain generation. Here are some examples of the rendering process:


LocalShops is a bukkit plugin which allows Players and Server Admins to setup localized shops to their Minecraft server interactible through chat commands. Some of the features I worked on were AABB collision detection, internationalization support for commands, configurable shop access lists, server-wide and world-wide shops, item-type detection, and the ability to buy or sell items by clicking on signs within the shops.

Vault & VaultAPI

I helped build and improve Vault because I needed a universal API to access multiple economy, permission and data plugins from within my own Bukkit projects. This is what led to the creation of Vault as a standalone project. The project includes live statistics provided by bstats.